
The Effects Of Corona Virus on Parish Life

The Effects Of Corona Virus on Parish Life

As you know, all public Masses and devotions are cancelled until after Easter. However, we will be live-streaming Sunday Mass. Please keep in mind that we still need the financial support of our parishioners, so we encourage you to mail in your envelopes at regular intervals. The church will be open for prayer by the parking lot entrance near the priest’s sacristy only.

During this time, all meetings and activities of the parish are cancelled. In case of funerals, the Funeral Mass is recommended to be limited to family members only (given the size of the church we could easily keep people separated from each other). It is recommended, that if possible, there be a committal service at the cemetery and a Memorial Mass at a later date.

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist are NOT permitted to take Communion to the sick for their good and the good of their families. It is recommended that we refrain from taking Communion to the homebound and visiting the sick unless absolutely necessary.

We encourage all of our parishioners to keep contact by phone with our homebound and elderly parishioners and those who are in nursing facilities, to offer prayers for them and with them.

Necessary precautions: wash hands thoroughly and often with soap and water, sanitize door handles and other surfaces with which there is frequent contact, drink plenty of fluid, get fresh air and sunshine, take Vitamin D and avoid crowds.