
Easter Greeting 2020

Easter Greeting 2020

Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Mary of the Assumption,

The heart of our Christian Faith is the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Without rising from the dead, our faith in Jesus of Nazareth as truly Son of God and Son of Man would be empty. But Christ is truly risen! Indeed, He is risen and to those in the grave and to those who still live in this world, he has given life.

Especially this year, with our own inconveniences and restrictions because of the coronavirus pandemic, while we cannot gather for public celebrations of Holy Week and Easter Sunday, we still unite ourselves more firmly to the sufferings of Christ and his Church. We unite ourselves in deep faith, we support one another with fervent prayer, but whether in church or in the home, the power of the resurrection, the power of the risen Christ is still with us, and for this, we rejoice.

The message is the same. By His suffering, He has given us hope; by His death, He has given us life; by His resurrection, He has given us his glory. And in all things, even in the effects of the coronavirus, the power of the Risen Christ conquers all.

We still hope to keep connected with you, so we will be live-streaming our Sunday Liturgies at 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. on Easter Sunday.


Palms and pussywillows will be privately blessed and may be picked up between 9:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. in the new church entranceway.


Food Blessing will take place at 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. Fr. Kumse will have prayers of blessing by the new church entranceway. We kindly ask you to stay in your cars and he will bless baskets from car to car in the parking lot.

These are difficult times for all of us, but we are a resilient people, and we will get through this with God’s loving grace. May the grace of the Risen Christ bless you and strengthen you and your families throughout this Easter Season.

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!

Fr. John Kumse

Deacon David Kushner


Dragi župljani in prijatelji Marije vnebovzete,

Srce naše krščanske vere je smrt in vstajenje našega Gospoda Jezusa Kristusa. Brez vstajenja od   mrtvih naša vera v Jezusa Nazarečana kot pravega Božjega Sina in Sina človekovega bi bila prazna. Toda Kristus je vstal! Resnično je vstal in tistim v grobu in tistim, ki še živijo na tem svetu je dal življenje in upanje.

Posebno letos z našimi lastnimi nevšečnostmi in omejitvami zaradi koronavirusa pandemike se  ne moremo zbirati za javno obhajanje Velikega tedna in Velikonočne nedelje, se še vedno združujemo bolj trdno Kristusovega trpljenja in njegove Cerkve. Združujemo se skupaj v globoko vero, podpiramo drug drugega z gorečo molitvijo, toda bodisi v cerkvi ali doma, moč vstajenja, moč vstalega Kristusa je še vedno z nami in zato se mi radujemo.

Sporočilo je isto. Z njegovim trpljenjem nam je dal upanje, z njegovo smrtjo nam je dal življenje, z njegovim vstajenjem nam je dal njegovo slavo. In v vseh stvareh, tudi v posledicah koronavirusa, moč vstalega Kristusa premaga vse.

Mi še vedno upamo biti povezani z vami, tako bomo v živo (Live-streaming) prenašali nedeljsko liturgijo ob 10:00 dopoldan in na Velikonočno nedeljo ob 8:00 zjutraj.


Palme in mačice bodo blagoslovljene privatno in jih lahko poberete v nedeljo med 9:00 uro zjutraj do 1:30 popoldan v novem vhodu v cerkev.


Blagoslov jedil bo ob 1:00 in 3:00 uri popoldan. G. Kumše bo imel molitve blagoslova pri novem vhodu v cerkev. Prosimo, da ostanete v vašem avtu, on bo blagoslovil košarice od avta do avta na parkirišču.

To so težki časi za vse nas, toda mi smo trdni ljudje in bomo šli skozi to z Božjo ljubeznivo milostjo. Naj milost Vstalega Kristusa blagoslovi vas in okrepi vas in vaše družine skozi ta Velikonočni čas. Pazite nase in ostanite zdravi.

Kristus je vstal! Resnično je vstal!

G. Janez Kumše, župnik

Diakon David Kushner